The MindFlex Hack
John Naulty
My first EEG hack involved a $25 toy from Amazon. This was my first time 'hacking' something. Although I'm not sure if it can be called hacking since I followed a step-by-step tutorial on this site. This was the first time I had used an Arduino and the C++ language. The steps were clear and in about an hour or so I had the 'hacked' neurosky chip reading my brain. Although I do not use it as much, the visualization of my brainwaves on this device in Processing made me continue to investigate further into Mobile EEG devices.
Emotiv Hack
John Naulty
My second EEG device involved a $300 portable EEG from emotiv. The emotiv EPOC includes everything one would need to start collecting raw data....Actually it does not. The emotiv EPOC has the potential to be a great device with a huge social impact in Cognitive Therapy and the upcoming Internet of Things (IoT) movement. However, the emotiv company has made acessing the raw EEG data a very hard task. Fortunately, one much more experienced at cracking security protocols was able to extract the raw EEG data without any emotiv SDK software. Currently I am working with Bill Prinzemetal in testing the capabilities of the device with scientific rigor.
OpenBCI Development
John Naulty
My third EEG device I have the fortune to work with was donated to the Cognitive Technology Group by Conor Rossumano, the co-founder of OpenBCI. I have been fortunate enough to work and play with the device. Currently I am collecting data for an SSVEP comparison report between the Emotiv EPOC and the OpenBCI v2 board.